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Rickmansworth Park Junior Mixed and Infant School


Science Subject Leader Planning Statement

‘Magic is Science we don’t understand yet’ – Arthur C. Clarke

Article 13: Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions and to access all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.



Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Our Intention

  • To provide a high quality Science curriculum which inspires children to confidently explore and discover the world around them through stimulating scientific experiences and knowledge from EYFS to Y6, throughout their journey at Rickmansworth Park School and beyond.
  • Through hands-on and enquiry-based lessons, which build a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, we challenge the children to question, investigate and evaluate by making choices, working independently and collaboratively to see how the rules of science can predict and explain natural phenomena.
  • To provide opportunities to problem solve, find patterns through analysis, analyse and present data in various forms, use comparative and fair testing, research topics of interest, make observations over time, group and classify different organisms ensuring that ‘Working Scientifically’ is the basis of all enquiries and builds on prior learning and vocabulary.
  • To develop a caring attitude towards the environment, all living things and a lifelong respect for the world around us.
  • To incorporate and consolidate cross-curricula skills in Literacy, Maths, Technology and Computing.
  • To promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and possible career opportunities leading from these subjects, challenging gender and cultural stereotypes.

Our Implementation

  • Science is taught every week throughout the school from EYFS to Y6.
  • Every year group follows the learning objectives set out in the Primary National Curriculum for Science for the eight topic areas – ‘Plants’, ‘Animals including Humans’, ‘Living Things and Habitats (Evolution)’, ‘Materials, States of Matter and Rocks’, ‘Plants’, ‘Seasonal Changes’, ‘Forces, Earth and Space’, ‘Sound, Light and Electricity’. ‘Working Scientifically’ is a central part of every lesson at every level to teach vital scientific enquiry skills.
  • Rickmansworth Park has a substantial range of Science practical resources in school and subscribe to ‘Developing Experts’, an online Science resource with a sustained focus on skills and progression which includes lesson plans, PowerPoints, documentaries, links and news footage, differentiated and challenging for all pupils. 
  • Curriculum Journeys shared with each class every lesson reminds pupils of the previous learning they are building on and Vocabulary Progressions highlights new language essential for the topic.
  • Other Science enrichment opportunities at Rickmansworth Park include STEM ambassadors who are invited to speak to classes/the whole school on a variety of subjects relevant to the our learning, school trips, assemblies, day workshops,  clubs, and lunchtime adventure sessions.
  • If required, adaptations are made for children with SEND to ensure the Science Curriculum is available and engaging to all and a risk assessment has been undertaken so Health and Safety is paramount in all activities.

The Impact

  • The impact of consistent Quality First Teaching ensures Science is an engaging and enjoyable lesson for all pupils. This fosters a love of Science and encourages a curiosity for the world around them where pupils make good progress in their acquisition of skills, knowledge and conceptual understanding.
  • The Subject Leader and teaching staff have a sound knowledge of the Science Progression of Skills, knowledge and vocabulary the children should be demonstrating at primary and beyond in KS3.
  • Key questioning by teaching staff throughout the lesson as well as observations, annotations and marking support the planning and development of future planning.
  • Regular Pupil Voice interviews carried out by the Science Subject Leader reveal Science is regarded as a fun and exciting lesson that the children look forward to.
  • Working collaboratively in a pair or group promotes personal and social communication skills.
  • The impact of the teaching of Science at Rickmansworth Park School is measured using Subject Leader learning walks, book scrutinies, analysis of the teacher’s end of year assessments and any other relevant evidence.
  • Staff Science CPD is refined to meet any needs highlighted during the year.

What makes our Science curriculum exceptional?


1. It is underpinned by aims, values & purpose

E.g. Article 29 UN Convention of Rights of the Child: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

Our Guiding Principles are:

To provide an education which develops the whole child.

To provide a broad and balanced curriculum with a strong focus on enrichment opportunities.

To teach children to understand their own rights and to respect the rights of others.       


2. It develops the whole person – knowledge, skills, understanding & attitudes.

Knowledge: Develops scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding in every lesson

Skills: Enquiry, thinking critically, active learning, observation, identifying, classifying, gathering, recording, measuring, reporting, presenting, communicating, data finding

Understanding: To understand about the children’s place and the impact they can have on the world around them – good and bad.

Attitudes: conservation, recycling, saving resources.

A Rickmansworth Park we believe Science is Learning for Life.


3. It is broad and balanced.

Scientific knowledge, conceptual understanding, nature, processes and methods of science as well as its uses and implications are taught in every class every year in an environment that is suited to the children’s ability and understanding.

Science always plays an important role in class assemblies and classroom displays.


4. There is clear progression in subject knowledge and skills.

The Science Curriculum develops a progression in Scientific Understanding from R-Y6. Gifted and Talented Science Quizzes inspire the children to work as a team when using their STEM knowledge.


5. It is filled with rich first-hand experiences.

Hands on activities in all lessons, producing useful, relevant and appropriate, qualitative and quantitative outcomes.      


6. It is flexible and responsive to individual needs and interests.

Teacher source their lessons from ‘Developing Experts’ or ‘Twinkl’. These resources offer lesson plans, PowerPoints, documentaries and news footage differentiated and challenging for all years. 


7. It has an eye on the future and the needs of future citizens.

Children are taught about the recycling of resources and the impact of greenhouse gases on our planet as well as the detrimental effect plastic and fossil fuels are having on the Earth.

Entering the Annual County K’Nex Challenge encourages children to be creative whilst encouraging engineers of the future.


8. It encourages the use of environments and expertise beyond the classroom.

Children use our school environment regularly to collect data and observe wildlife and vegetation from the first term in Reception. We collect litter and grow vegetables.       


9. It makes meaningful links between areas of knowledge across the curriculum.

The Science curriculum is often taught with links to other curriculum areas e.g. literacy letters to recycling plants, computing – posters warning of the impact of pollution, maths – data collection and graphs etc.


10. It has a local, national and global dimension.

Our science curriculum is geared so that the children understand about their place and impact on the world around them

Attitudes: conservation, recycling, saving resources.


11. It is supported by high quality Subject Leader CPD.

Rickmansworth Park value working with STEM Ambassadors who are experts in their field. They visit school to talk on areas studied. This enriches our Science curriculum.       


12. SMSC is embedded in the curriculum.

Science supports spiritual development by providing many opportunities for children to think and spend time reflecting on the amazing wonders that occur in our natural world.

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural Links – Science



Science supports spiritual development by providing many opportunities for children to think and spend time reflecting on the amazing wonders that occur in our natural world.



Science supports moral development by showing children that different opinions need to be respected and valued. There are many moral and ethical issues that we cover in science including discussions about environmental and human issues.



Science supports social development by exposing children to the power of collaborative working in the science community which has led to some amazing and life changing breakthroughs in medicine. When undertaking experiments and research children work collaboratively



Science supports cultural development by looking at how scientists from a range of cultures have had a significant impact globally. It also helps children to understand how important science is to the economy and culture of the UK.

100% Pass 2024 Year 1 Phonics Screening. New to Reception Parent Tours - 11.00am Tuesday 1st October, Wednesday 16th October, Wednesday 6th November, Tuesday 19th November, Monday 2nd December. Please contact the school office 01923 770265 if you would like to book at place.