Literacy Subject Leader Planning Statement
At Rickmansworth Park School, Unicef’s charter on the Rights of the Child underpins all we do.
Article 28 (right to education) Every child has the right to an education.
Primary education must be free. Secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s human dignity. Wealthy countries must help poorer countries achieve this.
Article 29 (goals of education) Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.
Education must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
At Rickmansworth Park School, teachers strive to deliver consistently high-quality literacy lessons for their classes from day one in Reception. We believe that learning to read is the foundation for all future learning.
We follow Read Write Inc. Phonics, a DfE-validated systematic synthetic phonics programme with a whole-school approach to teaching early reading and writing, designed to ensure progress for every child, in every primary school.
Following the RWI programme, teachers teach with energy and enjoyment, from the very first sounds, to helping children develop fluency and comprehension. They engage children in the best stories that reflect all children’s lives. Children learn first to read sounds and very quickly blend them into words. They then apply this phonic knowledge to read and comprehend Storybooks that are carefully matched to the sounds they know. Children learn to read these books with a storyteller’s voice.
Later on in their literacy journey, fluent readers in Years 2 to Year 6 are taught to read, write and discuss texts with maturity. Writing skills are developed through immersion in a wide variety of quality texts covering different cultures and settings, providing set of experiences for the children. These include fiction and non-fiction and all genres of writing.
Our curriculum is embellished with enrichment activities such as live author events, stage productions and class assemblies and book fairs through our excellent local bookshop.
What makes our Literacy curriculum exceptional?
1. It is underpinned by aims, values & purpose
e.g. Article 29 UN Convention of Rights of the Child: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
2. It develops the whole person – knowledge, skills, understanding & attitudes.
3. It is broad and balanced.
4. There is clear progression in subject knowledge and skills.
See Subject Leader planning and progression documents
5. It is filled with rich first-hand experiences.
6. It is flexible and responsive to individual needs and interests.
7. It has an eye on the future and the needs of future citizens.
8. It encourages the use of environments and expertise beyond the classroom.
9. It makes meaningful links between areas of knowledge across the curriculum.
10. It has a local, national and global dimension.
11. It is supported by high quality Subject Leader CPD.
12. SMSC is embedded within the curriculum.
(See SMSC Subject Statement)
Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural Links – English
English supports spiritual development by engaging children with poetry, fiction and drama. Through English children can explore and engage with the feelings and values found in a wide range of genre.
English supports moral development by enabling children to look, discuss and evaluate a range of social and moral issues found in a wide range of genre including newspapers, fiction, television and other media.
English supports social development by helping children to understand how written and spoken language has changed over time. It also covers social attitudes to the use of language.
English supports cultural development by exposing children to a wide range of written and spoken language from a range of cultures. In addition, it supports children to become confident and competent in their own language, which is vital to their individual identity.