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Rickmansworth Park Junior Mixed and Infant School


Computing Subject Leader planning statement

“Whether we’re fighting climate change or going to space, everything is moved forward by computers, and we don’t have enough people who can code. Teaching young people to code early on can help build skills and confidence and energize the classroom with learning-by-doing opportunities.”   —Richard Branson.


“Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.”—Bill Gates



Our Computing curriculum focuses on a progression of skills in the creative arts, digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology.



Following the change in the curriculum in September 2014, the subject leader researched many of the pre-written products on sale. After discussion with the SMT and attending a number of courses, however, she decided to create a specific curriculum plan for Rickmansworth Park School, by drawing together material from a number of sources. This curriculum is revised annually. This enables work to be tailored to fit the topics taught in each year group and the rising level of skills across the school. The subject leader teaches the subject to all year groups between Year 1 and 6.


The school purchased membership of Espresso coding and Purple Mash which provide tailored coding lessons which cover that element of the curriculum. The children follow examples through headphones and can therefore work at their own pace. At the end of each unit, there is the opportunity to code freely using the skills learned in that unit and very high quality work is now being produced. Scratch is taught across KS2. Y6 learn HTML and basic Python coding.


Other schemes of work draw from many sources, such as CAS Barefoot, Simon Haughton and Phil Bagge.


The subject leader is a member of numerous computing teachers’ associations, including Barefoot Computing and Computing at School which provide ideas and resources which have been used in the planning. She has been recommended as a consultant adviser for other Herts primary schools by the Herts for Learning subject team leader.


Post Covid, an interim curriculum was taught to ensure that pupils did not miss vital skills during the transition. The full curriculum is now being taught across the school and has been revised termly to suit the requirements and the increased knowledge and skills of each cohort.


The curriculum was amended in 2022 to reflect the use of digital skills in the creative subjects, such as art and D&T. 



After each unit of work, the teacher will make a judgement on whether pupils have met, exceeded or are working towards the objectives set. This will be added to the foundation subject tracking document. Evidence of progression and achievement will be seen in examples of pupils’ work.   As a result of effective implementation, pupils will be able to apply their skills and knowledge in other areas of learning.   Pupils will be able to share their knowledge of how to be a responsible user of technology through discussion when questioned. They will be prepared for the next stage in their lives, knowing how to be a skilled and responsible user of technology in the wider world and most importantly, know where to seek support.   Pupils will be familiar with and will discuss their understanding of the four main strands and will know key vocabulary associated with these.   Confidence in this subject will also mean that pupils are able to be more independent and competent in life skills such as problem solving and logical thinking. 



The curriculum reflects the UN Convention on the Rights of the child, specifically:


Article 13 : You have the right to look for, get and share information in all forms (i.e. through writing, art, television, radio and internet), as long as the information is not damaging to you or to others.


Article 16 : You have the right to protection from interference with privacy, family, home, mail, and from attacks on your character or reputation.


Article 17 : You have the right to reliable information from a variety of sources, including books, newspapers and magazines, television, radio and internet. Information should be beneficial and understandable to you.


Article 19 : Governments should ensure that you are properly cared for and protect you from violence, abuse and neglect by your parents or anyone else who looks after you


Article 28 : You have the right to education. Primary education should be free and required. Secondary education should be accessible to every child. Higher education should be available to everyone on the basis of capacity. School discipline should respect your rights and dignity


Article 36 : You should be protected from any activities that could harm your development and wellbeing.

What makes our Computing curriculum exceptional?


1. It is underpinned by aims, values & purpose.

e.g. Article 29 UN Convention of Rights of the Child: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.


RP School guiding principles:

To provide an education which develops the whole child

To provide a broad and balanced curriculum with a strong focus on enrichment opportunities

To teach children to understand their own rights and to respect the rights of others.


2. It develops the whole person – knowledge, skills, understanding & attitudes.

Knowledge: New learning in every lesson

Skills: Keyboard, use of technology

Understanding: Algorithmic thinking

Attitudes: Privacy, online safety, rights of use of media.

Creativity: Photography, digital art, animation and music.


3. It is broad and balanced.

Four stands covered in every year group:

Computer Science-programming

Information technology: use, privacy, intellectual property rights, online safety

Digital Literacy: skills, Office, Use of the Internet.

Creative which sits alongside the art and D&T curriculum.


4. There is clear progression in subject knowledge and skills.

Curriculum develops skills progression from R-Y6 in all areas


5. It is filled with rich first-hand experiences.

Hands on activities in all lessons, producing useful, relevant and appropriate outcomes.

Using laptops, cameras, digital art, digital music, physical computing-Crumble, CAD


6. It is flexible and responsive to individual needs and interests.

Curriculum written to be relevant to needs of cohorts, reflecting what they are studying in other subjects. Rewritten annually to reflect the abilities/topics of the class.


7. It has an eye on the future and the needs of future citizens.

Appropriate and safe use of technology is the future. Keyboard skills. Learning for life.


8. It encourages the use of environments and expertise beyond the classroom.

Bletchley Park National Museum of Computing biannual visit Y5/Y6. Online safety /bullying workshops KS2


9. It makes meaningful links between areas of knowledge across the curriculum.

Curriculum written to work alongside other subjects, e.g. history topics.

D&T –Crumble

Music-Creating and editing digital music

Art & D&T-curriculum rewritten to fit in with the new curriculum 2021/22

Class assemblies and displays

Maths-spreadsheets and binary

Science-data logging and digital microscope


10. It has a local, national and global dimension.

Commitment to annual e-Safety day Feb, which is a global day.

CEOP: Nation crime command

SWGfl 360°Online safety review tool in process


11. It is supported by high quality Subject Leader CPD.

Subject Leader attends regular CPD on coding/curriculum/assessment/ online safety.

Subject Leader is CEOP Ambassador and member of CAS


12. SMSC is embedded within the curriculum.

 (See SMSC Subject Statement)


Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural Links – Computing



Computing supports spiritual development by looking at how research can bring rapid benefits to discussions and tolerance to an individual’s beliefs. However, children are also exposed to the limitations and abuse of the internet where they question and justify the aims, values and principles of their own and others’ belief systems.


Computing supports moral development by looking at how developments have had an impact on the environment as technology has meant that old ways of working have been changed to help the environment.



Computing supports social development by completing of group work within lessons as well as practical tasks. Children are required to understand about social media and the advantages these sites have brought as well as the numerous problems such as keeping safe online and cyber bullying.



The development in technology has impacted different cultures and backgrounds in different ways. More developed countries are able to keep pace with the developments in technology whilst less developed ones can’t.

