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Rickmansworth Park Junior Mixed and Infant School

Parent Handbook

Please telephone or email the school office by 8.50am if your child is going to be absent.


The school will always deal with any unacceptable behaviour which occurs in school in line with our behaviour policy. If your child tells you about any unacceptable behaviour which you think the school might not be aware of please let us know and we will deal with it. Parents should never reprimand other peoples children in school.


Lunch: Instead of having a normal school lunch or bringing a packed lunch from home the children can have a Christmas lunch. Further details will come from the school office nearer the time.
Performances: Children from the reception class and years 1, 2, and 3 perform a version of the Christmas story to their parents.  Children in Y4, 5 & 6 perform ‘The Nine Lessons & Carols’. You will receive information on costumes etc from the teachers nearer the time.
Postbox: The Christmas post box is put out 2 weeks before the end of term. Children can post cards to school friends and staff in the school post box which will be situated near the school library. Year six children sort and deliver the cards each day.


Class Assemblies
All class assemblies start at 9.10 am. Each term all classes lead an assembly to show the audience what they have been learning. Families of the class involved are welcome to attend. We do ask that you switch off mobile phones and that pre-school children do not attend as they can distract children on stage.


Conduct of parents
The staff and governors of Rickmansworth Park School feel that safety and welfare of pupils and staff is paramount. We expect that all adults in school will behave in a calm and courteous manner at all times.


Emergency closure in the school day
In the event of having to close the school in an emergency during the school day parents will be informed via ParentMail. Parents will usually be told that the school is closing at a specific time but that parents/carers can collect children as soon as possible. In the interests of the children’s safety we will only allow them to go home with their parents or the people who usually collect them. If you are sending someone else to collect your children you must inform the office by e mail or telephone. Parents of pupils in reception, Y1 and Y2 should collect their children from the classroom door as usual. Parents of children in years 3, 5 and 6 should wait in the bottom playground and children will be sent out to them.


Excellence and Enjoyment Week
This week is key to enabling us to provide a broad and balanced curriculum with a strong focus on enrichment opportunities.

This event has been enormously successful for many years and the children love every moment of it. During this week the normal school timetable is suspended and the children are provided with a wide range of exciting and valuable learning experiences and activities. You will receive further information nearer the event.


Please ensure you check your child’s head regularly for headlice. If headlice are discovered, please treat immediately then they can come into school. If we suspect your child has headlice we will let you know. Your local pharmacist should be able to provide you with good advice on effective treatments.


We follow the guidance from Public Health England. Please follow this link for the most up to date information from them:

Current advice is that children should be kept away from school for 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea.


Only drugs prescribed by a doctor will be administered in school.  Children should not have non-prescription drugs in their possession in school.


Often if a child is receiving prescribed medication he/she is not fit enough to be in school. However, there may be instances where a child is well enough to be in school (e.g. when the medication is to prevent the symptoms of hay fever, or the end of a course of antibiotics) and it is preferable that the child’s parent or carer arranges to come in to school to administer the medication.


Where this is not possible the carer may, with the Head Teacher’s permission, deliver medication to the office clearly labelled with the child’s name, details of dosage and when it should be administered. Medication must be collected again by the carer after school. Medication should never be left in school overnight and should not be in the possession of the child. The exception to this is for asthma treatment (see below).


When parents are leaving medication at the office they will be asked to enter the child’s name, the medication, details of dosage and time of administration in a book in the office. When the child has been given the medication this will be recorded in the book.


There may be children whose circumstances are exceptional (e.g. long-term medical problem). In this case the Head Teacher will liaise with the parents to see how the child’s need’s can be met within school.


Asthma: Where a child has an inhaler for asthma he/she will have been trained how to use it. It should be clearly labelled and kept in the medical area where the child can use it as necessary, and carried to the hall or playground when the class goes to P.E.


Allergies: If a child in school is known to have a life-threatening allergy (e.g. to nuts, bee or wasp stings) a syringe containing the necessary treatment for this (prescribed by the child’s doctor) should be kept in school and identified individuals will be trained to administer it. Ideally there should be two doses kept in the medical area.




Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not allowed to be used in school.  Year 6 children must hand in mobiles daily to the class teacher.


Open Mornings
These events take place in the Autumn and Spring Term.  There is usually a welcome talk in the hall followed by the opportunity to see the children learning in their classes.


Open Evening
This takes place at the end of the Summer term and is an opportunity for you and your children to come into school and look at all of the work the children have completed during the year. It is also a valuable opportunity for you to visit your child’s next class so that you can introduce yourselves to the next teacher and the children can see the work that will be expected of them next year.


There is limited parking in our school access road.  We ask that you take extra care, when dropping off / collecting, to ensure the safety of our children.  If you wish to discuss parking please contact the local authority who have the authority to sort out parking issues.


All payments for trips should be made via the ParentPay system.  Payments for school meals are paid via School Grid.


Parent Consultations and appointment lists
Formal parent’s evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring term. These are meetings between parents and teachers where we discuss your child’s progress and any concerns. It is very important for you to attend. Appointment lists will be attached to the outside double doors leading to the infant & junior playgrounds where you can sign up for an appointment of your choice. The head teacher and SENCO are also available on a “drop in” basis during these evenings.


Photography at school events
We do allow parents to photograph and video events, with prior consent, but any photographs taken at school events or on school grounds must be for your own personal use and must not be transmitted electronically.


School Photographer
In the Autumn term a photographer visits school to take photographs of individuals and family groups and in the Summer term whole class photographs are taken. Parents can then purchase these photographs. Further details will come from the school office nearer the time.


Play Equipment
Children should only go on the playground equipment during the school day and when supervised by school staff. This is essential for safety reasons before school as the equipment will be damp, slippery and unsafe. We would welcome your support in this important matter.


School Day
8.40 Playground opens to children and parents
8.50 Registration
10.30 – 10.55 Morning break
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break
14.00 – 14.15 Afternoon break for infant children
15.20 School ends


School Dinners
School meals are provided on a daily basis and should be paid for in advance each term. A letter will be sent to parents advising the cost for the term.


Packed Lunches: Packed lunch boxes should contain a healthy, balanced meal. There should be no nuts, sesame seeds, fizzy drinks or glass bottles. One small chocolate bar can be included provided the rest of the meal is healthy.


Free School Meals: If you are a parent or carer, and you get one of the benefits listed, your child may receive free school meals, but you need to apply for them:


  • Income support
  • Income-based jobseekers allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Support under part 6 v1 of the immigration and asylum act 1999
  • The guarantee part of state pension credit
  • Child tax credit and you have an annual income of £16,190 before tax or less
  • Working tax credit during the 4 week run on period.

Apply online now:
or call: 0300 123 4048


School Production
This takes place at the end of the Summer term. Children from years 4, 5 and 6 take part and as well as performing, they have the opportunity to work on tickets, programmes, lighting, sound, music, costumes, scenery, props etc.


Snow Closure
The safety of the children is always a priority and we will close the school if it is unsafe to open. If there is significant snowfall and we decide to close parents will be informed via ParentMail and on the school website. The road leading to school is not gritted by the council so is best avoided.


Sports Day
Sports day involves the whole school and takes place up on the field.  In order to ensure the safety of our children, we ask that spectators stay on the opposite side of the track to the children. We also ask you not to go to the childrens side of the track for any reason whatsoever.


After the events have been completed the children will return to school with their classteacher in time for hometime at the usual time of 3.20.


Please note, Sports day may be postponed in the event of heavy rain.


Further information will be sent to you nearer the day.


Stranger Danger
For many reasons it is not always possible to inform parents of any suspicious strangers in the area. So it is necessary for you and your children to be vigilant at all times, not just when you have received a letter from school.

If you see anyone acting suspiciously in or near the school please let us know.

If your child does travel to school without an adult let us know and also make sure you inform the school by 9.15 each morning if your child is going to be absent.

If you wish your child to leave school at the end of the day or after a club without an adult please let us know in writing. If your child always or regularly travels home alone one letter to let us know this will be enough. If your child travels home only occasionally please let us know before each occasion.



Please ensure that all items of clothing (including coats, shoes and boots) are clearly named so that they can easily be returned to their rightful owners if mislaid.

Uniform can be ordered from Beat School Uniform: Online:
Telephone: 020 3362 2930

They also have a shop: 116 The Parade, High Street, Watford, WD17 1BD

Orders are delivered to your home within 48 hours of ordering.

Winter uniform


Grey Trousers, grey skirt or pinafore
Light blue shirt
Navy blue jumper or cardigan with school logo*
School tie*

Grey or navy socks or tights
Black shoes, not ankle boots (no high heels)

Summer uniform
Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pale blue summer school dress
Light blue polo shirt with school logo*or light blue shirt with school tie
Navy blue jumper or cardigan with school logo*

Grey, navy socks (white socks with summer dresses)
Black shoes (no open toes), no ankle boots


PE kit
White shorts*
Navy blue PE t-shirt with school logo*
PE bag*
Black / Navy tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE in colder weather

The children wear black shoes throughout the year and are allowed to wear closed-toe sandals in the summer (no open toes or trainers please).

Please also provide an art overall with long sleeves (an old shirt can be used).

*These items must carry the school logo


A selection of second-hand uniform is available for sale from the RPSA.

7th highest performing primary school in Hertfordshire based on 2024 KS2 outcomes. 100% Pass 2024 Year 1 Phonics Screening. We have spaces available in our current Year 1 and Year R, please contact the school office if you are interested.