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Rickmansworth Park Junior Mixed and Infant School




The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is at the heart of everything we do at Rickmansworth Park School. The PE curriculum in particular recognises and supports these rights.


Article 15 (freedom of association) states:

Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

Article 29 (goals of education) states:

Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture) states:

Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.


“Sport has literally changed my life. I’m here because of sport. It has given me a lot of confidence, a lot of courage, and a lot of discipline. It’s helped me to be the person that I’ve grown to be today.” Serena Williams


“No matter how good you get, you can always get better, and that’s the exciting part.” Tiger Woods



At Rickmansworth Park School, our aim in PE is to create a life-long habit of exercise and physical activity whilst having fun! Our curriculum is planned to ensure the development of the physical, cognitive, social and emotional while still meeting the aims of the national curriculum. We aim to provide at least two hours of PE for each child every week and create playtimes where physical activity is encouraged with the provision of high quality play equipment. Children will learn about the positive impact that sport and exercise has on their physical but also their mental health. Engagement and opportunities to lead will be encouraged for all children, with older pupils given the opportunities to be play leaders, team captains and sports leaders.



At Rickmansworth Park School, teachers provide a high quality and individualised curriculum when teaching PE. This curriculum is closely linked to the National Curriculum and uses its broad objectives to inform planning. The PE planning for the whole school is supported by two schemes, Complete PE for most games and gymnastics units, and imoves for dance.

Our PE curriculum is also enriched by our attendance at a variety of local sporting festivals and competitions. In addition to this, is the support we receive from our in-house sports coach, Lizzy Duck and the Schools Sports Partnership. For many year groups, their PE curriculum is closely linked to the timetable of festivals and competitions that we attend.  Our PE curriculum builds on the skills needed for participation in these events and is bespoke to the needs of our school.

An updated overview and progression of skills documents for PE ensures that there is a broad and balanced coverage across the school. The units covered ensure there is vertical progression of skills from year to year, but also allow children to revisit previous learning and build confidence and competence. In Key Stage 1, units such as balls skill (hands) progress to units such as handball or tennis in Key Stage 2. Child friendly curriculum journeys highlight the main skills and outcomes in each year, allowing children to see the sequence of learning. In Key Stage 2, not all year groups cover every sport to allow more time to build on skills and knowledge in specific sports. Units have been allocated to certain years because they support children in the festivals and competitions that the year group attends.

Dance is timetabled for every year group with an allocated time for hall space. Swimming and water safety is taught from Year 4 to Year 6 at a local swimming pool. OAA is timetabled for all Key Stage 2 classes and delivered by Lizzy Duck. All year groups also receive Health and Wellbeing lessons, in addition to that taught in the PSHE and Science curriculum. For Key Stage 1 classes, the skills covered in the practical element of these lessons provide a foundation built on by OAA in Key Stage 2. EYFS follow the statutory framework and incorporate the Physical Development ELG: Gross motor skills into their daily planning. They also use units from our PE schemes and have an allocated hall time.

The PE curriculum at Rickmansworth Park is ambitious and designed so that all children achieve well. Staff are well trained to support the needs of all pupils in a PE setting.



Importantly, pupils at Rickmansworth Park School enjoy PE. Pupil Voice across all year groups reflect this and children come equipped and ready to take part in lessons. Participation in lunchtime clubs is also high and the school achieves well in all the festivals and competitions that we attend. Despite our small size, Rickmansworth Park School continues to have a high attendance rate at events organised by our local School Sports Partnership, often reaching county finals in a variety of sport events. In July 2023, we were awarded the Platinum Schools Game Mark as recognition of our commitment to the development of sport, high quality PE provision and sports leadership in our school.

What makes our PE curriculum exceptional?

1. It is underpinned by aims, values & purpose

-  Article 29 UN Convention of Rights of the Child: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

- Rickmansworth Park guiding principles    


2. It develops the whole person – knowledge, skills, understanding & attitudes.

- PE lessons are regularly timetabled.

- Participation in local competitions and festivals.

- Year 6 Sports Leaders and lunchtime Play Leaders.


3. It is broad and balanced.

- Whole school scheme and overview ensures a wide coverage of skills.

- Links to festivals and competition.

- EYFS curriculum is linked to themes and topics.


4. There is clear progression in subject knowledge and skills.

Whole school PE scheme and overview ensures a wide coverage of skills. KS1 lessons are skill building and simplified games. KS2 develop these skills into more complex games and participation in inter-school competitions.


5. It is filled with rich first-hand experiences.

- Children at Rickmansworth Park take part in a variety of festivals and competitions. E.g. Year 3 Push Ball tournament at the Croxley Revels.

- Year 4 Dance Festival - Auditorium at Rickmansworth School.

- Year 5 and 6 football tournament at Watford FC Training Ground.    


6. It is flexible and responsive to individual needs and interests.

The varied curriculum allows children to explore new opportunities and widen their interests. Skills are built over time allowing them to consolidate and extend their learning depending on the individual. Children can further develop these interests at lunchtime clubs and by representing the school in a variety of ways.


7. It has an eye on the future and the needs of future citizens.

The varied curriculum aims to develop an interest in sports and fitness and also develop potential. Skills such as swimming and Health and Wellbeing lessons aim to establish a learning for life attitude.         


8. It encourages the use of environments and expertise beyond the classroom.

Attendance at the festivals and competitions allow children to take part in PE outside of our school environment.

- Lizzy Duck’s lunchtime and afterschool clubs.

- OAA for Key Stage 2 and outdoor activities in the Year 6 trip.

- Visits to Rickmansworth High School to use their facilities and work with SSP.     


9. It makes meaningful links between areas of knowledge across the curriculum.

The PE curriculum, where possible, aims to link with other topics and wider learning in the school.

EYFS – bikes and scooters

Science - understanding our bodies during fitness and keeping score.

Maths – keeping score, estimating distance.

Geography - Dances such as samba, flamenco and Bollywood.


10. It has a local, national and global dimension.

- Participation in local festivals and competitions

- Links with Schools Sports Partnership and Rickmansworth School.   


11. It is supported by high quality Subject Leader CPD.

Teaching is supported by In-house Sports Leader, Lizzy Duck, and visits from SSP coaches.  PE CPD opportunities are available throughout the year from the SSP and local senior school, Rickmansworth School.


12. SMSC is embedded within the curriculum.

(see SMSC Subject Statement)

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural Links – PE


P.E supports spiritual development by increasing their knowledge and understanding of the body’s performance when exercising; this leaves pupils amazed at the body’s ability. Through Dance and sports such as Gymnastics pupils are being creative, expressing feelings and emotions in their performances. Allowing pupils’ reflection time to evaluate their experiences allows them to build a positive mindset and promotes progression. Pupils will also see a sense of awe and wonder when observing elite performance from professional athletes and their peers.


P.E supports moral development by encouraging them to live a healthy lifestyle and promoting healthy living is apparent in each P.E lesson. Pupils develop the ability to tell between right and wrong through fair play in sporting events and participating in competitive situations, giving pupils a sense of justice, and how to respond appropriately when they feel there is an injustice. The frequent opportunity given to pupils to supports the importance of abiding by rules.



P.E supports social development by developing the necessary skills to work in teams or pairs, as the majority of activities are based around team games or creating sequences in groups, co-operation with others is paramount to success. Giving the pupils roles such as leaders, coaches, or umpires, and offers pupils the opportunity to develop their communication skills, leadership skills and the ability to settle any discrepancies which may occur. Pupils are encouraged to reflect upon feelings of enjoyment and determination.



P.E supports cultural development by giving children the opportunity to explore dances and learn games from different traditions and cultures including their own, such as Bollywood and Flamenco. Pupils also recognise and discuss the differences between male and female roles within sport, at both elite and amateur levels. Compassion and respect for other culture and traditions is also displayed by all when exploring unfamiliar games or dances. Pupils will discuss how culture affects what sports different nations excel at and how cultural traditions can affect which sports men and women participate in.

100% Pass 2024 Year 1 Phonics Screening. New to Reception Parent Tours - 11.00am Tuesday 1st October, Wednesday 16th October, Wednesday 6th November, Tuesday 19th November, Monday 2nd December. Please contact the school office 01923 770265 if you would like to book at place.